Dental Veneers Vs Dental Crowns| Know the difference

Dental Veneers Vs Dental Crowns| Know the difference

The two most common cosmetic treatment modalities are- Dental veneers and tooth-colored dental crowns. If you are thinking- What is the difference between the two, and which is right for you? Hold on! Let us find out precisely the difference in the information provided below- brought to you by Oris Smiles Dental Clinic.

What is a Dental Veneer? | Dental Veneers Vs Dental Crowns

Dental Veneers are thin, wafer-like laminates attached to the teeth’ front surface. Veneers are a minimally invasive way of cosmetically enhancing your smile. Veneers are the most versatile way of masking the imperfections like:

  • Tooth discolorations
  • Irregularly shaped tooth
  • Minor gaps between the teeth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Chipped tooth

Our team of cosmetic dentists at Oris Smiles Dental Clinic, under the supervision of Dr. Janu Shah, will ensure that you get your customized treatment plan after carefully examining your current dental status and evaluating the possibilities of Dental Veneers Vs Dental Crowns.

Pros of a Dental Veneer

  • The dental veneers are aesthetically more pleasing as gum margins are visible in some crowns. 
  • The veneers require very minimal preparation, so it saves a lot of natural tooth structure.
  • It is a more versatile choice to address cosmetic concerns than dental crowns.
  • It is minimally invasive and does not require many sittings for completetion
  • The aftercare regime of the veneers is nothing special, and it involves only regular brushing and flossing with frequent dental visits.

Cons of Dental Veneer

  • It is only an aesthetic solution, whereas dental crowns may support the weakened tooth structure.
  • The veneers are not reversible and can not be repaired

What is a Dental Crown? | Dental Veneers Vs Dental Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are prostheses that cover the entire tooth from all sides. It is usually indicated in cases of a root canal-treated tooth. There are a variety of crowns, and the ones used by our cosmetic dentists are tooth-colored dental crowns. Our chief dentist Dr. Janu Shah ensures that a strict sterilization protocol is followed while recording the impressions, and the best dental labs fabricate the crowns. If there is extensive decay, it needs to be removed before planning the dental crown. 

Pros of Dental Crowns

  • All sides of the tooth are covered; hence it is protected from the risk of fracture.
  • The risk of progression of the decay is significantly reduced
  • The crowns exactly mimic the natural tooth in terms of shape, size, and color
  • Dental crowns are fixed onto the tooth, unlike removable dentures
  • Dental crowns are also used in bridges to replace the missing tooth. The crowns cover the adjacent teeth from which the support is withdrawn to replace the missing tooth

Cons of Dental Crowns

  • There is a significant reduction in the natural tooth structure.
  • The tooth becomes more prone to sensitivity to heat and cold.
  • The tooth-colored material is fragile and may chip off if not taken care of properly.
  • The other variants of dental crowns, like porcelain fused to metal crowns, are not that aesthetic.
  • Multiple sittings are required for the completion of the process.

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