Comprehensive oral health starts with healthy gums. At Oris Smiles, we offer specialized Gums Treatment in Thaltej Ahmedabad that helps prevent gum diseases linked to various health issues. Our tailored Treatment ensures you receive the best care possible for your gum health. Contact Dr. Janu Shah today to get started on your path to better dental care!
Gums Treatment in Thaltej Ahmedabad with Dr. Janu Shah
Comprehensive oral care includes focusing on your gums. Effective gums treatment in Thaltej Ahmedabad at Oris Smiles Dental Clinic helps prevent gum diseases associated with diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and cardiovascular issues.
Signs of Gum Problems:
- Bleeding or swollen gums
- Pyorrhea
- Bad breath
- Pus discharge
- Mobile teeth
Gum Treatments:
- Non-surgical: Scaling and root planing.
- Surgical: Gingivoplasty, gingivectomy, flap, and graft surgeries.
Maintain good oral hygiene and have regular checkups to prevent gum problems. For specialized gums treatment in Ahmedabad, visit Dr. Janu Shah at Oris Smiles Dental Clinic.
Why is gum care necessary: Gums Treatment in Ahmedabad
Taking good care of your oral hygiene is not just about cleaning your teeth. Complete dental care involves taking care of the supporting structures also. If not correctly taken care of, it can lead to bleeding gums, pyorrhoea, bad breath, and gum recession.
Studies have shown that the bacteria found in gum diseases are closely associated with systemic health problems like diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and cardiovascular diseases.
The information provided below will discuss the signs and symptoms of gum problems and how effective gums treatment in Ahmedabad is brought to you by Oris Smiles Dental Clinic.
How do gum problems start: Causes and triggers
The main reason for any gum problem is poor oral hygiene. Regular brushing can’t remove the hard deposits known as dental plaque from the tooth surface. Dental plaque on the teeth irritates the gums, and the gums become inflamed and swollen. The initial stage of inflammation of the gums where the main problem is bleeding gums is called gingivitis.
Gingivitis is when the disease is limited to the gums, and as it progresses to the other supporting structures like the fibers that hold the teeth, it is called periodontitis. Effective gums treatment in Ahmedabad can help you stop the spread of the disease and save the tooth from losing its attachment in the socket.
The standard color and the texture of the gums change as the stages of gingivitis change with the disease progression. Our team of experts at Oris Smiles dental care will do a thorough clinical examination of your case to formulate a customized treatment plan to address your gum problem.
Specific factors that affect the gum health are-
- Smoking
- Use of tobacco
- Mouth breathing
- Improper toothbrush technique
- Vigorous brushing
- Malocclusion that doesn’t allow proper cleaning
How to know if I have a gum problem
There are some specific symptoms to watch out for, and in case you notice any of these signs, it is best to report to the dentist immediately for a timely and effective gums treatment in Ahmedabad.
- Bleeding gums
- Swollen gums
- Pyorrhoea
- Bad breath
- Pus discharge from the gums
- Teeth become mobile in advanced stages of gum problem.
Can we treat gum problems: Gums Treatment in Ahmedabad
Yes, the gum treatments in Ahmedabad are possible if you report timely to our team of experts at Oris Smiles Dental clinic. To effectively manage the gum problems, it becomes crucial to find the root cause and plan the treatment accordingly.
It is vital to maintain good oral hygiene and have regular dental checkups for a timely intervention to prevent gum problems.
Treatment available for gum problems: Gums Treatment in Ahmedabad
The gum treatments in Ahmedabad are broadly classified into two major categories-
It comprises dental scaling, root planing, and other measures to remove the deposits from the tooth surfaces.
These are surgical intervention procedures done at an advanced stage of gum disease. In the surgical part of gums treatment in Ahmedabad, our skilled surgeons aim to remove the infected portion of the gums, helping to restore normal gum health.
Types of surgical gum treatment in Ahmedabad
‘Plasty’ means reshaping, and gingiva refers to gums. The procedures that aim to reshape the shape and form of the gums are called gingivoplasty gums treatment in Ahmedabad. They are usually indicated for gummy smiles and crown lengthening procedures to restore the standard structure and contour of the gums effectively.
The excessive growth of the gums or the infected gum tissues is surgically removed to ease the pain. The process is entirely painless, and with the advancement of technology, lasers are available for bloodless surgeries.
Flap surgeries
In gums recession, flap surgeries are indicated for impeccable results. The flaps can be taken from various sites depending on the requirement of the case.
Graft surgeries
In cases of gum recession where flap surgeries are not feasible, graft surgeries are indicated for better results.
Aftercare of surgical gum treatment
- Avoid hot, spicy, and hard food objects for a few days after surgery
- Use an ice pack for cold compression to avoid swelling
- Raise your head portion by adding pillows to prevent bleeding
- Do not chew from the side of the surgery
- Consume cold and semi-solid food items for a few days
- Do not miss the follow-up visits
- Take all the medications as prescribed
- Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol for 7 days after surgery